Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rain, sun and Kiely's home

The weather has been all over the place! It can't seem to decide if it wants to be winter/spring or if it's ready to be summer. Over the weekend it was BEAUTIFUL, sunny, clear blue skies and very, very warm in the mid 70's. Today and yesterday it's back down in the low 60's, overcast and drizzly. It's my personal opinion that if there's going to be grey clouds then it should be stormy with heavy rain, wind and lightening. Alas, it's really been drizzle here and there with lots of dark clouds that promise rain but don't deliver (at least over the house). 'They' are forcasting that it's supposed to be in the low 80's over the weekend. Go figure.
Kiely and Casey came home on Monday (Kiely home from college for the summer and Casey from a weekend visit to his friend Jacob). We've already starting quoting to each other. We went out to lunch for Casey's birthday to Famous Dave's (or Diggory Dan's, as Mom likes to call it) and ran a few errands (Casey for some reason didn't see the 'fun' in that on his birthday) and then came home to eat ice cream cake and watch Sherlock Holmes. I really like that movie. The way Sherlock and Watson are portrayed is just cute. Work is moving along. I had a parent observer come in today, but I don't think I gave my best showing because I'm nursing a cold and it's difficult to talk and think when you're all stuffed up. Hopefully she was at least a little impressed....Job security and all....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are ready for the rain to end and we are waiting for it to start here. Although it means hurricane season, we are desperate for some rain. All the palm trees are gettinghte yellow tinge as they need some water. they are predicting a busy hurricane season, but who knows with weather these days.

there was a big festival here this weekend called Batabanoo. the girls participated in the kids version last week doing a parade and dance contest at the capital building. The adult version is a little more Caribbean and we didn't have a babysitter so we just hung out at home.

Glad to see Kiely is back in town wrecking house and breaking hearts. See you soon.